Year: 2019

Most Common Personal Injuries After a Car Accident

Personal Injury News | October 9, 2019

Not all car accident injuries are the same, but many of them are more common than others. You have probably heard of most of these injuries before, but knowing which injuries are common can help prepare you if you or someone you know experiences a car accident.   Some injuries can heal within a short time with minimal…

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Tire Safety On The Road In New York

Accident News | October 7, 2019

There you are, cruising down the road at a speed of 75 to 80 miles per hour. Then you hear a blaring pop. Your car begins to spin out and the traffic which was behind is now closing in super quickly. Taking five minutes to examine tire pressure or rotating your tires before driving could…

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Using Social Media During Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury News | October 6, 2019

According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 72 percent of Americans use some type of social media. That averages out to about 7 in 10 Americans. This number has only grown over time, and it does not show signs of stopping any time soon. While social media certainly has its benefits, it can easily be…

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