Gattuso & Ciotoli, PLLC Blog

What are My Rights as a New York Construction Worker?

Employment Law News | November 7, 2019

Working as a construction worker can come with risks every day because of the nature of the job. Some days may be less risky than others, but the job overall involves a lot of working with various tools, climbing high places, and moving heavy objects. One mistake is all it takes to cause a personal injury….

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File for Workers’ Compensation Right Away

Employment Law News | November 6, 2019

If you were injured on the job, workers’ compensation can help you recover financially, but this depends on how soon you file for compensation. Workers’ compensation can help pay for lost wages, medical bills, and other damages related to your injury. The severity of your injury and how the injury happened at work may determine…

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My New York Workers’ Comp Claim Got Denied. Now What?

Personal Injury News | November 5, 2019

There are few things as discouraging as getting your workers’ compensation claim denied. After all, it is only natural to be in a vulnerable state after suffering a workplace injury. You have medical treatments to undergo and potential lost wages at stake. A denied workers’ compensation claim may feel too overwhelming to fight. Fortunately, there are still many options available…

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The Leading Cause of Workplace Injury

Personal Injury News | November 4, 2019

Did you know that the leading cause of workplace accidents is the same across different industries? It is undeniable that some lines of work carry a higher risk of injury than others. However, regardless of whether you work a blue-collar or white-collar job, overexertion is the number one cause of workplace injury. Overexertion is when your…

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Safe Driving Tips for New York Seniors

Personal Injury News | November 3, 2019

Did you know that senior citizens are one of the safest groups of drivers in New York? Many people are surprised by this, especially since seniors tend to be stereotyped as bad drivers. Experts theorize that seniors may be more prudent behind the wheel because they are more likely to observe speed limits and less…

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