Gattuso & Ciotoli, PLLC Blog

Pursuing a Lawsuit against Citi Bike for an Accident

Personal Injury News | July 16, 2019

For the busy New Yorker ready to get from one spot to another in record time, Citi Bike offers an incredible service, especially for men and women who are concerned about their bikes being stolen along sidewalks. Nevertheless, any perceived benefit can have its risks, and Citi Bike is no exception. With the rise of…

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What to Do After a Hit-and-Run Wrongful Death

Personal Injury News | July 12, 2019

Hit-and-run accidents happen when a driver hits a person on the street and speeds off to avoid legal consequences. For the hit-and-run car accidents that cause wrongful deaths, family members can be stuck with the painful aftermath. Drivers are more likely to leave when death is suspected because they fear how serious the penalty will…

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