Gattuso & Ciotoli, PLLC Blog

What to Consider if You Were Hit by a Taxi in NYC

Personal Injury News | July 1, 2019

In essence, New York City’s fleet of yellow taxicabs is pretty much as famous as the city itself. In fact, many residents of this sprawling metropolitan jungle don’t even bother to purchase cars, as they simply use public transportation, including taxis, to get from one point of the Big Apple to another. Fortunately, fatal traffic…

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What Matters in a Personal Injury Case?

Personal Injury News | June 30, 2019

If you have recently been involved in an accident that has caused you personal injury in Central New York, you are probably dealing with a million new questions and concerns. It is hard to quantify all the losses you suffer after dealing with personal injury, especially at the beginning of a case. It may be…

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What to do If You Were Hit by An Uninsured Driver

Personal Injury News | June 27, 2019

Car insurance may be required by law in some states, but this does not mean everyone follows the rules. Some drivers never sign up for car insurance and at the off chance that you experience a car accident with one them, you may find yourself worried about what this means for you financially. There are…

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