Gattuso & Ciotoli, PLLC Blog

What To Do If You Were Prescribed The Wrong Medication

Personal Injury News | June 10, 2023

When you have an injury, illness, or condition that needs improving, you naturally look to doctors and specialists for their expertise. As a rule, you are right to assume that their education, training, and experience give them the insight to prescribe the necessary medication to help you with your problems. This is not always the…

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What Are New York’s Seat Belt Laws?

Personal Injury News | April 30, 2023

What Are New York’s Seat Belt Laws? Your chances of surviving a severe crash and having fewer injuries are much greater when you decide to use your seatbelt. Seatbelts make driving on the road so much safer that, in fact, every state has strict laws requiring seatbelt usage. The state of New York has some…

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