Gattuso & Ciotoli, PLLC Blog

How Broken Bone Lawsuits are Filed in New York

Personal Injury News | May 24, 2019

Car accidents have a history of causing a variety of bone fractures. Severe fractures can end up costing thousands of dollars in surgery and medications. Leg and hand fractures can put someone out of a job for months until the bones heal. Spine and skull fractures can cause permanent damage to the nervous system that…

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Different Types of Brain Injuries in New York

Personal Injury News | May 23, 2019

Brain injuries occur from a violent force to the head. Car accidents, workplace incidents, and falls are just a few common ways in which brain injuries occur in New York. The aftermath of brain injuries ranges from fast recovery to dealing with impairments for life. Some impairments can lead to unemployment, disabilities, and depression. Talk…

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How Hoverboard Lawsuits are Done in New York

Personal Injury News | May 22, 2019

There have already been 39 instances of people going to the emergency room as a direct result of using hoverboards. New York has handled so many hoverboard accidents that they have banned their usage on public streets in New York City. This has led the Consumer Product Safety Commission to investigate at least 11 cases…

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5 of the Most Common Injuries People Suffer on Subways in NYC

Personal Injury News | May 21, 2019

When it comes to traveling from point A to point B in the sprawling metropolitan landscape of New York City, one of the most iconic methods, by far, to get around is the subway. Located deep underground, these fast-moving trains provide convenient options for long-term residents and visitors alike. Under the wrong circumstances, though, these…

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