Category: Employment Law News

Can an Employer Ask for Proof of Disability?

Employment Law News | June 1, 2021

If you live with a disability in New York, you are protected from discrimination by several state and federal laws. In particular, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employers from discriminating against you on the basis of your disability. Additionally, your employer must provide reasonable accommodations if you need them. If your employer asks…

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What Can Your Boss Ask You When You Call in Sick?

Employment Law News | April 29, 2021

In New York, employees have the right to take a sick day when they need to. In fact, state labor laws require most employers to offer a certain amount of sick leave to their employers. However, your employer may ask you questions about your sick day—and in some cases, these questions can violate your rights….

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5 Most Common Types of Workplace Discrimination

Employment Law News | April 22, 2021

In New York, it is illegal for an employer to retaliate or discriminate against their employees on the basis of sex, race, and other protected classes. If you have faced discrimination at your New York workplace, you may have grounds to file a complaint or lawsuit against your employer. However, you will need to prove…

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Can I Work Without Taking a Lunch Break in New York?

Employment Law News | February 25, 2021

Although federal employment laws do not require employers to provide lunch breaks, state laws often impose different requirements. In New York, employers must provide meal breaks to certain employees. New York employers must provide certain employees with meal periods. However, there are certain rules about when employees can take lunch breaks, how long these breaks…

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New York State Minimum Wage Laws [2021]

Employment Law News | February 18, 2021

New York’s minimum wage changes each year. According to the New York Minimum Wage Act, the state minimum wage will increase incrementally each year until it reaches $15 per hour. For most of 2020, for example, the statewide minimum wage was $11.80. On December 31st, 2016, when the state originally enacted the law, the minimum…

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