Category: Personal Injury News

Dealing With Aggressive Drivers in Central New York

Personal Injury News | May 12, 2019

Unfortunately, even the best driver isn’t immune to accidents—especially in New York. In 2014 alone, New York had a grand total of 744,941 car accidents and 7,184 car accident-related hospitalizations. Many times, these accidents are caused by aggressive drivers. Do you know how to stay safe on the road in these conditions? Defensive Driving Driving…

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Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Personal Injury News | May 10, 2019

Brain injuries lead to impairments that can last for life, which is why they are considered by many to be one of the most severe injuries. Your bones, skin, and other tissues can grow back, but the neurons that make up the brain do not work this way. Neurons and synapses can regenerate with a…

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