Category: Personal Injury News

Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Personal Injury News | April 12, 2019

Each time you visit a doctor or stay in a hospital, you are placing your trust in their hands. Doctors and nurses go through a vast amount of training, but they are still human. This means they can make mistakes like anyone else and some of them might cut corners to save time or money….

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Types of Injuries from Rear-End Car Accidents

Personal Injury News | April 11, 2019

After being involved in a rear-end car accidents, it is common to endure one of the many different types of head, back, and limb injuries. While many rear-end collisions are not serious, some can still cause injuries that can take months to fully recover from.  A longer recovery time means you may have to miss work and…

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New York Laws for Distracted Driving

Personal Injury News | April 10, 2019

Distracted driving accidents have increased from 35,546 in 2006 to 49,833 in 2010, despite news stories on the dangers of texting and driving. New York State responded with the enforcement of stricter distracted driving laws against hand-held cell phone use as early as 2001. With the rise of deaths in 2010, New York changed the…

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Rear-End Vehicle Collisions Are Common in New York

Personal Injury News | April 9, 2019

Although roadways can provide an efficient and fast way for you to get from Point A to Point B, the fact of the matter is that driving is no easy feat, particularly when you live in a major metropolis like New York City. From crazy cab drivers to incessant flows of pedestrian traffic, life in…

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